Ephesians 5:27
That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
The Church is not the building where Christians worship, it is ekklesia (Greek). Ekklesia means an assembly or called-out ones. The root meaning of the church is not in the building but the people. Romans 16:5.
The Church is the body of Christ Ephesians 1:22-23.
The Church belong to Christ, he purchased the church with His blood. Act 20:28. He is coming back for the church at the rapture. Every Christian regardless of denomination is part of the universal Church. The universal Church is the Church that was purchased by the blood of Jesus. Your local church (assembly) is a sub-set of this Church. You are a member of the Church if you are a Christian.
Can we really have a Church without spot or wrinkle?
The church without spot or wrinkle that Christ demand is going to be a selection that will be done through the rapture. By the rapture, the righteous of all the Christians who had endured and found to still have their light burning will be selected and assembled (church) as a bride to be presented to God.
To be numbered among the assembly (church) of person's without spot or wrinkle you will need;
1. The Holy Spirit residents in you.
2. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit. (Power)
3. A broken and a contrite heart.
4. The mind of Christ.
5. Mercy of God.
You need all the above to be able to live holy and righteous to be counted among the Church without spot or wrinkle.
Without spot or wrinkle means PURE. Only the Church that is PURE...is worthy to be Christ bride for presentation to the father. The PURE Church will be... • Without disunity • Without disorderliness • without self-centeredness • without lust • without arrogance • without thieves • without liars • without idolatry • without flesh... Church without disunity Many will not be worthy because of the disunity of the church. They gave their lives to Christ but allowed internal grudges, power play, intolerance etc to cause disunity among brethren. If Christ meets you in disunity you will have spot and wrinkle and therefore will not be presentable to God. Brethren, heaven is precious than trying to prove a point, or winning an argument or position. Allow peace to rain and possess your heaven by force. Don't be the architect of disunity. Let us with love embrace unity, and follow peace with all men. Declaration I am for unity, Holy Spirit engrace me to submit to unity at all time. Let my spirit man align to the leading of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name.