What is the beginning?
1. the point in time or space at which something begins.
2. the first part or earliest stage of something.
3. the background or origins of a person or organization.
Why is the beginning important?
1. The beginning is the foundation.
When you are constructing a building, the first thing is digging the foundation. Without a proper foundation, the building is immediately compromised, and everything built on top of a faulty foundation is also in trouble.
Psalm 11:3 If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
The beginning of anything or a process is the foundation that every other thing will rely on. For example how a couple met and what they did during courtship is the foundation for the marriage.
2. The beginning is the seed.
Without a seed, you can not expect a harvest.
Genesis 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Seed or planting materials of a crop or a plant is a very important component of crop production. A good seed interacts with the good environment around it and determines the health of the crop or plant. If the environment is conducive and the seed is poor, production is likely to be less.
In this series we will be looking at different characters to examine the following:
1. Identify characters that had a beginning in the Bible.
2. What characterises the beginning of the character or what the character did at the beginning.
3. Draw lessons from what the character did at the beginning.
5. Application of the lessons to ourselves.
Case study: Jesus
1. What are the things that characterise the beginning of Jesus or what did He do at the beginning of his life.
• Jesus was a fulfilment of prophecy. Isaiah 9:6-7
• His parent followed God's instruction. Mathew 2:13-15.
• Jesus was committed to schooling and learning. Luke 2:42-47
• The first thirty years of Jesus was used to prepare for the ministry. Luke 3:21-23.
2. What are the lessons from the beginning of Jesus and the application of the lessons?
• Being a fulfilment of prophecy meant that he had divine backing. It means God had a hand in his birth. For us as Christians, we must always seek to have Gods hand in whatever we seek to do. How do we do this? Always seek His will in whatever you want to do. Find a scripture to connect that which you want to do to. The word of God is His prophecy or will, by connecting scripture to what you want to do makes you also walk in prophecy.
• The parent of Jesus followed God's instructions at every instance. When God asked Joseph to take baby Jesus to Egypt he did not hesitate to follow the instruction. Are you following God's instructions for everything you want to do? God is interested in all beginnings, he will always give directions at the beginning. Your knowledge about that which you want to do is not enough you need His instructions. Imagine how can God ask Joseph to carry Jesus to Egypt to run from Herod. A child that was implanted by God himself. It is purely His way, He knows better. If you are a parent you should always seek the father's instruction concerning the children He gave to you. At every of their beginning always seek the father's instructions.
• Jesus commitment to schooling and learning as shown in the scripture (Like 2:42-47) was quite an example for all. The scripture says that at age 12 he was sitting with Professors and Pharisees. How can a twelve years old sit with Professors and be able to understand them he must have been properly schooled. He asking questions from the Professors and Pharisees was to learn more from them. All the schooling and learning was to help him to understand the law and culture and be able to deal with issues properly by the time he starts his assignment. As Christians, we must not shy away from schooling and learning it is the platform that our destiny need to blossom. In whatever you want to do ensure you have been properly schooled on the subject before venturing. Do you want to start a business get yourself schooled and then God can breathe on you to blossom with the knowledge you have received?
• Jesus used thirty years to prepare for a ministry of three years. How many people can be committed to this kind of preparation? Preparation is everything. No matter how good you are whether God calls you or instruct you preparation is still important for you to come out as the best. You must lay the foundation of preparation for you to be successful in whatever you plan to do. Many Christians fail because they fail to prepare. The time of preparation must be more than the time you spent in carrying out the real thing. Olympians use four years to prepare for a race of 10 seconds. This is difficult sometimes especially to follow the ratio of Jesus preparation- 10 years for one year. With understanding, this can become easy for us.
Follow the path of Jesus to lay a solid foundation for your tomorrow or sow a seed that will deliver your expectation. The beginning is the platform for the future.