The road to the crucifixion and on the cross
Mathew 27:31-57, Mark 15:20-47, Luke 23:26-43, John 19:16-40
We are still dwelling on the significant event that happened while Jesus was being taken to the place of crucifixion and while He was on the cross. There are great lessons to learn from this event. Having considered two events in our last series, we will be looking at another two in this piece.
3. Accusation set over his head "Jesus the king of the Jews"
The roman soldiers in a bid to mock Jesus placed the accusation "Jesus the king of the Jews '. This inscription made the Pharisees angrier even while he was already crucified. The inscription which is based on some of the accusations made against him was not a picture of what Jesus truly represent. This was the narrow way of looking at the personality of Jesus. Even though he is a king but not the king of Jews. He is the king of kings, Lord of all lords, the King of the entire universe.
Revelation 19:16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name is written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.
Revelation 17:14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called and chosen, and faithful.
Throughout the time of Jesus on earth the true identity and mission of Jesus were not clearly known. Peter and John the baptist were the only one in the Bible that truly caught what Jesus truly represents. John the baptist later became unsure and we also know that Peter after speaking by the unction of the Holy Spirit later spoke from the flesh not acknowledging the purpose or mission of Jesus Christ.
The fact is that Jesus always talks about what he represented, but as much as he spoke about his personality and mission people still do not understand. For example, after his resurrection before ascension, he was talking to them about serious spiritual matter the disciples were still asking Him about the restoration of the kingdom of Israel.
Act 1:6 When they, therefore, were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?
If the disciples of Jesus even after his resurrection could not see the true essence and personality of Jesus then we can't blame the other religion or the Roman Soldiers who fail to see that Jesus is beyond being the King of the Jews.
The antidote for this short sightedness is the Holy Spirit. He came to reveal Jesus to us in our spirit in a manner that we will connect with Jesus and see Him as He is. After the Pentecost experience, the Apostles became renewed in their knowledge and understanding of the person of Jesus. We need the Holy Spirit to ba able to see and know Jesus beyond what anybody has painted to us. Search to discover him the more.
4. Jesus asked for forgiveness for those that scourge and crucified Him.
Luke 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.
Jesus despite all the scourging, mockery, dis-humanisation and condemnation He received still prayed to God to forgive all the people involved in the treatment He received. This is an act that can only be done by one whose life is love.
Jesus was an exemplary man, he taught forgiveness and practice it. He told us to love unconditionally and He demonstrated it, even in death.
Many leaders, teachers and preachers today live in deceit. They preach forgiveness but don't practice it. It would be morally right for Jesus to be offended and bittered by the manner he was treated, however he allowed love to prevail by forgiving them. If Jesus had not done this then the Devil will have exercised right over His body.
Let us be weary unforgiveness is one of the tactics of the devil to take many to hell. Let love reign in you such that you forgive people ahead of their offence. How do you do this? You make a conclusion that as long as you are in the world there will be offence so you forgive any offence that will come ahead because they will definitely come. And you follow your decision with the action of always looking away from offences rather than looking forward.