Psalm 42:1-2
As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?
God need a burning heart! A thirsty heart? A heart filled with the love of God, filled with the compassion for the ills of the church and the world, filled with passion for the glory of God, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the salvation of lost souls.
The reason why many so-called Pentecostals are fireless is that they don't have a burning heart. We have men and women on the pulpit, in the seminaries, Bible institute, Sunday School teachers, house fellowship or home cell leaders who are indifferent, full of concern for materialism, cold-hearted, busy with activities. God needs a burning heart!
We want in this age above all wants, fire- God's holy fire burning in the heart of men, stirring their brains, impelling their emotions, turning their tongues, glowing in their countenance, vibrating in their actions, expanding their intellectual powers that no longer shall they be ordinary or weak Christians.
We always talk of sinners with stony hearts, who are hard to convert but these days we have Christians who are hard. It is hard to get them burning, their heart burning, ablaze for God. There must be a change from today- enough of coming to church early with no drive, no expectations, singing passionlessly, praying disconnectedly. It is time to open up our hearts to God for the fire to drop, panting for the fire.
We can not light up the fire in ourselves but we can humble ourselves before God in total integrity and honesty confessing our need. We can seek His face until the holy searchlight shows us what in our hearts and lives prevent our infilling and empowering. TLM.
Set me on fire, Lord, stir me up I pray. Let my heart catch the fire. Set my heart ablaze for you oh Lord.